What People are Saying About the Imaginarium...
"Blue Box Imaginarium is my favorite jeweler, hands down. Whether she's working with stones or silver, J-'s work is impeccably stylish. As someone who doesn't often wear gems, I was thrilled to receive one of her wirework charm bracelets. It's clever and lovely, eye-catching without being too flashy--perfectly suited to my personal style and with some of the finest workmanship I've seen. I can't wait to add more of her work to my collection; her custom pieces are to die for!" -- Nova B., Los Angeles, California
"When my good friend J- started her new business, of course I wanted to support her, but I was unprepared for how stunning her work would be. I am proud to wear a piece of jewellery that is so unique, so striking and made with such love. I am recommending her work regularly, and will be ensuring she's busy in the leadup to the holidays! Thank you J-!" -- Cathy H., Nottingham, England
"What a fantastic experience. I commissioned this piece to be designed from what seemed like an ordinary piece of gravel from a very special spot in Haiti. The only special thing about it, or so I thought, was the fact that it was vaguely heart-shaped. When I saw the pictures of the incredible transformation it has undergone, I could hardly believe it was the same stone! A rich, smooth, oh-so-pretty stone had emerged from the gravel thanks to this talented artisan. It's set in intricate and flawless wire wrapping, with flowing curves and swirls that I can't stop touching! It's worth it to buy a chain, too. This type doesn't seem prone to tangling like my other chains, and seems sturdy enough to put up with the daily wear and tear. I don't think I'm going to take this necklace off for at least a few days. Gorgeous piece, possibly my favourite piece of jewelry ever purchased, and with so much sentimental value behind it. Blue Box Imaginarium will not steer you wrong. A+ all the way." -- Zabrina W., Halifax, NS, Canada
"Why did I just scream like a fangirl in public, you ask? Sweet Peter on a Popsicle stick, it's ****ing gorgeous! ... never taking it off :)" -- Bec C., Randall, NSW, Australia